Artisan of tales- Young people for the recovery of local identities. (Poject:2017-1-IT02-KA219-036934_4)

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018




2nd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING – Herrera del Duque – SPAIN                                  29/01/2018-31/01/2018

All delegations meet at IES Benazaiare, in Herrera del Duque, in the afternoon of Monday 29th January, for the second trasnational meeting, from 29th to 31st January 2018, as agreed during the first transnational meeting in Vignanello, Italy in November 2017.
After a warm welcome of the Spanish delegation, all participants start discussing the most important points of the project, as follows:
- Livia presents the proposal by the Headmistress Maria Antonietta Biaggioli to prepare a logo and a mascotte for the project (Patricia will prepare a lesson plan with how to create a logo - each middle school will create a logo that can even be combined). Logos have to be related to the topic of the project. The keywords are: roots, tales, identity, local, schools. The three middle schools of Spain, Poland and Italy will take care of the logo
- Angelo is taking care of the website – all delegations will send their materials to upload on the site
- Each delegation will prepare a presentation of the schools and of the students before Easter holidays
- All partners will select the traditions that the students will develop for the project
On the following morning, Tuesday 30th January, the delegations go on discussing the following topics, and they agree to:
- Use e-Twinning as a common repository for materials – Roberta shows how to access e-Twinning and its functions
- Have a Skype session on 1st-2nd March at about 3.30 p.m., with representatives from each group
- Have written reports after each meeting and share them by emails
- Have a list of the materials that are needed for the final reports (Angelo can send a final report as a sample)
- Choose Livia as the representative who will take care of reports and of coordinating the information
- Accept Victor’s proposal to prepare himself the criteria to select the logo and share them by Monday 5th February on e-Twinning
- Always make comments - even short - on each activity that we do
At mid-morning, the delegations decide to split up into two groups, one for the High Schools of Viterbo and Malta, the other for the Middle Schools of Spain, Poland and Italy
Middle Schools
The three delegations of Middle school agree as follows:
-          Select 12 more Spanish and Italian students to host Polish students
-          Organise a farewell party with sketches for the final mobility in 2019
-          Upload videos with the  presentation of the students on e-Twinning (naming the videos with the first name of students) by the end of February; Ela suggests that the students may select each other
-          Have a program for the mobility to Spain, with tours and activities
-          Prepare a form to fill in after any relevant activity connected to the project
-          Prepare a plan for the week with songs, dances, plays (simple, not more than 5 minutes) - cultural elements to share for the farewell evening
-          Prepare a song (using “Happy” by Pharrell Williams) on the project changing the words, in the three languages - the refrain wil be in English.

High Schools
The representatives of the two schools start discussing the unsolved problem of hosting the students by Malta High School. The Headmaster of Viterbo High School, Mr. Alessandro Ernestini, requires to have a phone call with the person in charge of the Department of MCAST, that can give answers or proposals on how to solve the situation, as already asked during the former phone calls and Skype session.
Anyway both the teams start discussing how to organize the students’ activities.
After that, the delegates watch the great performance by the students of IES Benazaire, with local dances and music. They have also prepared an exhibition with posters and stands with local products and food.
The delegations then visit the town of Guadalupe, with its breathtaking Sanctuary and Monastery, dedicated to Her Lady of Guadalupe.
On Wednesday morning, after saying goodbye, the delegates go to the airport.

domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018


El 29 de enero de 2018 recibimos la visita de nuestros socios europeos de Italia, Malta y Polonia en el IES Benazaire de Herrera del Duque.En esta foto vemos a algunos de los participantes del proyecto Erasmus tomando decisiones sobre las próximas actuaciones a llevar a cabo.

El Alcalde de Herrera del Duque, junto al equipo de gobierno, recibió a las delegaciones expresando la importancia que tienen los proyectos del Programa Erasmus +, ya que es una forma de unir a los países europeos y crear un vínculo entre los diferentes pueblos, creando el espíritu de pertenecer a una comunidad y abrir las mentes de los jóvenes.


jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018


Para el segundo "Transnational Meeting" en el IES Benazaire de Herrera del Duque, en enero de 2018, los alumnos del Centro preparan diversas actividades en el patio, con stands de productos típicos de la zona, tales como miel, dulces, quesos, etc. También se interpreta música tradicional y se llevan a cabo bailes regionales, todo a cargo de estudiantes del Instituto. Las delegaciones de profesores italianos, malteses y polacos pueden, de esta manera, tomar un primer contacto con las raíces de nuestros pueblos.


El 26 de septiembre , los alumnos del IES Benazaire realizaron diversas actividades relacionadas con el Día Europeo de las Lenguas. Comen...